
My name is Aubrey Anne.
I'm here to talk about all things beauty.
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Faking a Clear Complexion & Contour

My skin hasn't been clear since the third grade. (Dear teenagers, anyone who tells you that you will grow out of your acne is probably lying.) 

I'm fighting a constant, losing battle against the acne invasion. People love to tell me it's probably caused by the fact that I wear makeup. I beg to differ. (This is your TMI warning. Don't say I didn't warn you.)

My acne is most certainly hormonal, as it follows a perfect cycle. I can predict, almost to the day, when I will wake up looking like I have small pox, and it definitely coincides with my period. I made this post on the up-swing, when my skin was especially clear. Still, I had a lot to cover. 

In addition to the acne, I have to cover acne scars, wrinkles, and serious dark circles under my eyes. These are my personal struggles with my face, along with the battle against unwanted facial hair (which we can discuss later), and my incredibly pale skin. I'm not saying I'm a hideous person, but I'm certainly not perfect. We've talked about contouring before, so I'm not going to go into serious detail about it today. (You can find the original post about contour on the old blog here.) 

Today's post is mostly about coverage. I love you so much, I even included two pictures of my face with absolutely no makeup whatsoever. This is the bravest thing I have ever done. 

Step 1 is always PRIMER. I can't say this enough: use primer! The finished product will be significantly different if you skip this step. 

I use femme couture mineral effects face primer, $9.99 at Sally Beauty Supply. (Try to excuse the pictures of my dirty makeup,lol)

Step 2: Circles under your eyes have a blue-green tint to them, so you counteract this with yellow. I use Palladio brand, also from Sally. It's about $5.99 and lasts absolutely forever. If you don't have under-eye circles, don't do this, as it will leave you looking jaundiced. Trust me on this one.

Tip: I have been using my homemade lip balm underneath the yellow, because it hydrates so well. With the vitamin E and almond oil in it, it keeps the wrinkles under control and lets the concealer glide on easier as well.

Step 3: Concealer. I am still searching for the perfect concealer, but this is my favorite for now. It's femme couture "get covered", applied with the eyeslipsface Concealer Brush.

I love this concealer because it's in a pot (thicker formula), and it provides a good, thick layer of coverage. I'm not in the market for a translucent concealer; I want to cover everything

Tip: I buy the second-lightest shade, which is lighter than my skin, so it also serves as a highlight. As you can see, it goes almost everywhere on my face, only excluding the places I put my bronzer. 

Blend this with your fingers or a beauty blender, I use this one from Target, $4.99. I refuse to believe that anyone needs a $40 beauty blender, no matter what anyone says.

As you can see, I'm starting to look like a human. 
But there is more war paint to come.

Step 4: Bronzer. I would normally never buy this, as it's a lot of money, but it came in my May ipsy Glam Bag, and I love it. When it runs out I'll be going back to my cheap bronzer, but until then, I prefer this Chocolate Soleil by Too Faced. 

(It's made with cocoa powder. I have yet to try this, but I saw a pin on Pinterest about making your own bronzer out of cocoa powder. Someone should try it and let me know what they think!)

I'll be posting about ipsy, but for now I'll just say I ADORE IT! It's only $10/month for 5 high-end products/month. You should sign up to get it too, with this link. :) 
(I get free makeup when 5 people sign up through my link.)

I use my blush brush and my Eyeshadow "C" Brush, both by eyeslipsface, for bronzer. The blush brush applies around my hair line and creates "cheekbones" on my cheeks. The eyeshadow brush is used to create the contour on my nose. 

So far all that's on my face is the concealer and bronzer, so the lines are harsh. That's done on purpose; the next step evens it all out.

Not gonna lie, that rogue eyebrow hair is driving me crazy.

Step 5: Foundation

I use Bare Minerals Matte foundation, and because I'm poor, I mix it with High Definition loose powder by eyeslipsface, to make it last longer. I apply this mixture with the angled blush brush from eyeslipsface.

Tip: If I'm going out at night, I will do foundation before bronzer, so my contour lines are a bit more pronounced. Day makeup calls for a smoother look, so foundation is further down the list. 

I need very little foundation after my concealer and bronzer have done all the leg work, so my foundation lasts several months.

These pictures aren't the best, but as you can see, I've eliminated the look of the current acne and the acne scars. The dark circles under my eyes still exist (they are basically just an unsurmountable force), but much better than they started out. 

That's it for the face. After I did this, I applied eye makeup, eyebrows, and lipstick You can find the tutorial for that here. But just so we're clear, I recommend doing your eye makeup before your face, in case you have excess eyeshadow land on your cheeks. 

Have fun experimenting, and leave me a comment pretty please!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're a pro! I have no idea how to do anything with makeup. I just guess & slap it on & hope for the best so thank you!

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